Complete information on Step 1:
Description: Type “MISC:”
Cost Sub-Total: Enter Amount, example below is 100.00
Misc Charge / Freight Amount:Blank
What to include in Attachment Link:
- Detailed, itemized receipt showing payment and the method of payment (cash, debit/credit card, etc.)
- Meal Approval Form, if applicable
- List of attendees and their affiliation, if applicable
- Moving Expense Worksheet and a signed appointment letter, if applicable
- UMBC Inventory Tag Number, if applicable
- Flyer and/or posting for an event, if applicable
Complete Supplier on Step 2.
Use the magnifying glass to Search. In “Short Supplier Name” select down down “Contains”, and enter Last Name or Vendor name.
Complete information on Step 3: Description Line 1: Copy-n-paste Description From Step 1 (as much will fit)
For reimbursements, use an account number that WILL NOT generate a 1099. Frequently used Acct Codes for payment request
Complete Step 4.