

Please be patient as we upgrade the content of our Travel Website!


Travel System Version 2.0 now LIVE
As promised, the new version 2.0 is now LIVE in production.
Here are some links we hope you find helpful.

Approvers and Department Admins can now change the preparer for the reimbursement request!
How do you create a reimbursement (RB) request if the payroll preparer for a pre-approval (PA) request
has left UMBC, and the traveler cannot create the reimbursement (RB)? Perhaps the traveler is not
from UMBC and does not have access to the Travel System (TS). Before TS 2.0, you would need
assistance from DoIT to change the preparer.

Now with TS 2.0 any approver or department admin for the department listed on the PA can create the
reimbursement and choose a new preparer. (Please remember to first set the preparer up to prepare
for a specific UMBC traveler. The department admin can easily accomplish that in the Profile section of
the Admin page in the TS. See the section on the Department Admin role in the FAQs: What Can a
Department Administrator Do?)

Following are screen shots from the new user interface environment that shows how an approver or
department admin can change the preparer. We are using an example PA # 2445414 “Test New Dev” to
illustrate how we create the RB and choose a new preparer.

Click the drop down below to view the instructions

Downloadable instructions Here

1) If you are an approver or department admin you will see the PA in your department in Pre-Approvals, Business Office, My Department. For this example, it is # 2445414.

2) Next go to the Reimbursement button on the top of the page.  And click on Create Reimbursement.

3) It will bring you to this screen to “Start New Reimbursement Request.

4) You say Yes that you have a Pre-Approval. The system will say that there are no “travel approved” requests available, but it will also open a box to enter the travel ID.

5) Enter the travel ID # and hit the green Get Pre-Approval button.

6) The TS will bring up the link for the desired PA. Click on the link.

7) It will create the reimbursement request in the Review status. The Preparer will be set to Nobody.  Since it is in Review status, the approver or department admin can then change the preparer to someone else appearing in the drop down.

8) The PA will now change to Completed status.


9) The RB request now shows in Reimbursements, Business Office, My Department in Review status, and the approvers and department admins for that department will have access to make changes.